Sunday, May 4, 2014


"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire

We're all trying to close out the things we need to do before we leave for NIH. Elise has a project for her history class due in another week. They could choose between lots of different things, but for some reason she chose to build a 3D model of the Pantheon. She made some pretty spectacular drawings of it and for some reason she knows quite a bit about it (I suspect the Percy Jackson books). So this weekend was filled with several hours of scaling mathematics lessons (if this picture measures 3 inches and the styrofoam dome is 8 inches then this wall should be how tall?), cutting foam board, and trying not to get burned with a hot glue gun (which I found she has lots of experience with from arts & crafts class). I think it turned out nice and I found out Elise is pretty good with a hot glue gun (and she's also pretty innovative).

Elise also got her hair cut really short this weekend. With the chemo and radiation conditioning she'll lose her hair so she decided to get it cut short to start with. She wanted a Jennifer Lawrence cut and that's what she got. The stylist pony-tailed it up before the cut so Elise could donate her hair to a children's hairpiece organization (ala "Locks for Love"). This is her 3rd time donating her hair over the years. I think she was 5 and in Daisy scouts the first time.

We've got lots to do this week, and only one more weekend left to us before we have to leave, but we're knocking things off the todo list one at a time and I'm sure we'll be fine.

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