Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Schedule

"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed." - Eminem

We received Elise's official schedule today. It's getting very real. More every day.

18 May: Return to NIH
19 May: Lots of tests and consults
20 May: Lots more tests and consults
21 May: Line placement and bone marrow sample (ouch)
22 May: Radiation consult
23 May: Ophthalmologist consult
24 May: nothing scheduled
25 May (D-12): Palifermin dose - helps reduce mouth sores
26 May (D-11): Palifermin dose
27 May (D-10): Palifermin dose
28 May (D-9): Campath dose - it's a chemotherapy agent used to deplete T-cells in prep for transplant
29 May (D-8): Campath dose
30 May (D-7): Campath dose
31 May (D-6): Campath dose
1 June (D-5): Campath dose
2 June (D-4): Busulfan dose - it's a chemotherapy agent used to lower the white blood cell count
3 June (D-3): Busulfan dose
4 June (D-2): 2x Total body irradiation
5 June (D-1): "Rest" and echocardiogram
6 June (D0): Cell infusion (i.e. the transplant)
7-9 June (D1-3): more Paliferiman doses (this period is supposed to be really uncomfortable)
10-19 June (D4-13): waiting for stem cells to engraft, and treating whatever pops up - this is a very risky period
20 June (D14): DHR/chimerism test to see if cells are starting to engraft
21-29 June (D15-23): more waiting and treating whatever pops up
30 June (D24): DHR/chimerism test to check engraftment process
6 July (D30): this is the earliest Elise could be released from the hospital
21 July (D45): if things have gone well Elise should be release from the hospital by now and we'll be living in our apartment in Rockville
22 July - mid-Sept (D100): lots of trips to the hospital, maybe some rehospitalization if things flare up, but hopefully we'll be able to come home after D100

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