Tuesday, July 29, 2014

An Apple 3 Times A Day? (D+39)

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” - Benjamin Franklin

Elise hasn't been officially discharged after the line infection incident, but she does get to come back to the apartment. However there are strings attached.

As I mentioned in my previous post, they removed her central line last Friday (D+35) and confirmed that it was infected with S.Aureus. They put her on some IV antibiotics which have cleared the infection and she's feeling great. But...she needs to stay on the IV antibiotics for 14 days following the line removal (ie last Friday). 

They tried to work out an antibiotics that would allow us to stay at the apartment and only come in when the infusion was scheduled. Initially they used a really strong antibiotic that was only required once every 24 hours. It would have been perfect except it started to elevate her liver enzymes significantly. So they've fallen back to a better tolerated med, but it's required 3x daily.

None of us, especially Elise, want to be at the hospital for the next week and a half, so we negotiated an IV schedule that will allow us to get some sleep between sessions. But it will mean 3 trips daily to NIH until the course of meds is done.

Elise was pretty upset with all the changes. She really wanted to get out of the hospital with no strings attached. But it's not to be.

The good news is that she's feeling great, eating great, and she's not showing any signs of an infection any longer. When we got home today she also had the surprise of a care package from friends at home. I'm not sure if she truly likes the big-eyed Ty plush animals, but she knows they creep me out so it was definitely a hit. Debra and Darla thanks for putting a smile on her face. Also all the arts and crafts items she's received are going to good use.

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