Sunday, July 6, 2014

Rootbeer Anyone? (D+16)

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." - Phyllis Diller

I got a smile today and Elise asked for some popcorn and a rootbeer. Some definite signs of improvement.

The sucralfate seems to be doing the job with the proctitis (I haven't heard the Drs call it this but it seems to describe the symptoms really well) and her pain in the posterior is significantly diminished. She's still spending a lot of time in the bathroom, but it's not accompanied by pain in the 7-9 level. She says more like 2-3 which is relatively great. She also says her mouth isn't painful anymore except when she has to take the larger capsules. It's possible that they'll start tapering some of the meds this week and she may be able to transition back to oral (vs IV on some). She'll be taking some of the meds for months.

She's still getting her nutrients via IV, but if the mouth gets better we should be able to transition back to solids this week.

It seems her blood counts have sort of plateaued but according to the infectious disease Dr they are high enough to ward off many of the opportunistic infections or at least hold them at bay while they pump her full of antibiotics and stuff. Hopefully they'll start to climb again this week. Typically it would take at least a couple more weeks (till D+30) till they're high enough to transition to outpatient status.

So some progress and improvement. Keep the positive thoughts and prayers headed in this direction.


  1. Sunday night was the first with the sucralfate med and she made it through the night with no pain! Yeah! She was up and down a couple times but mostly slept. It's the most sleep she's gotten in at least a week. I'm celebrating with a latte. Elise is celebrating with more sleep.

  2. Glad to hear good news! Hang in there and know we are all thinking about you at the home front and work!
